LiteShower™ Portable, Wheelchair-Accessible Shower Stalls

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About LiteShower

The LiteShower story is a personal story.

My name is Gary Tang and I'm an engineer turned entrepreneur. I was working in the medical device industry back in the early 2000's. I invented a light-weight wheelchair ramp for people in wheelchairs to access their homes and automobiles. My ramps are not only foldable, but also split into two separate pieces - effectively reduce carrying weight by half. The product is called LiteRamp™. It was an instant success commercially. So I quit my job and started Nova Health Products in 2003. Sadly, LiteRamp's run ended in 2018 for two reasons: 1, my 2-piece design was virtually copied by every ramp manufacturer; 2, Chinese manufacturers can deliver copied products to US consumers for below material costs.

The idea of a portable indoor shower stall was a pure accident.

A friend of mine had a dog. The dog needs frequent bathing due to a skin condition. My friend was washing the dog in the bathtub, which is a headache for cleanup. So I came up with the basic design of a portable shower stall, which eventually became LiteShower. A US patent was granted to me in 2012.

Selling LiteShower to dog owners was a failure. Although in later years, we did sell some shower units to dog kennels and humane societies around the nation, the major use for LiteShower was obviously not for pets.

Then I realized the shower stall was ideal for someone in a wheelchair because the shower tray is collapsible. In fact, a portable and wheelchair-accessible shower was a great complementary to my main line of products. So I made a few design changes, added several different models including the Tall model, the Recliner model, and the Showe-in-bed model, and started marketing the deice as a low-cost alternative to roll-in showers and walk-in tubs. It turned out to be a great success. Today, our portable shower stalls are used by home owners and apartment dwellers, as well as the US department of Homeland Security, the department of VA, and hospitals, long-term care facilities, schools and churches, hotels, local municipalities, and DME's.

We are based in the Richmond, Virginia. LiteShower is entirely produced in the USA.